Create a IAM client or a protected resourceΒΆ

  1. Login as administrator or registered user.

  2. Click on MitreID Dashboard and then Self-service client registration for client creation or Self-service protected resource registration to register a new protected resource.

  3. Click on New client and provides at least the the following parameters:

    Client name = iam-client-name
    redirect URI(s) = http(s)://<service_url>


    The redirect URI(s) is required only for client creation.

  4. In the Access tab configure your client as requested by your service, for example:

    Scopes: openid, profile, email, address, phone, offline_access
    Grant Types: authorization code, refresh
  5. Save the client.

  6. Save Client ID, Client Secret and Registration Access Token or the full output json in the JSON tab for future access.

  7. If you need Token Introspection and/or Token exchange, login as Administrator user, and through the ADMINISTRATIVE, Manage Clients, in the Access tab flag the needed options.
