SLA Manager (SLAM)

The Service Level Agreement Manager (SLAM) is used to establish an agreement between customer and provider about capacity and quality targets. SLAM is using INDIGO IAM for authentication and INDIGO CMDB for configuration and authorization for providers.


Current SLAM version v2.0.0

VM configuration

Create VM for SLAM. The VM should meet the following minimum requirements:

OS Ubuntu 16.04
vCPUs 1
Network Public IP address.


All the command will be run from the control machine VM.

SLAM IAM client creation

Register a new IAM client for SLAM:

  1. Login in IAM as admin.

  2. Click on MitreID Dashboard and then Self-service client registration.

  3. Click on New client and fill the form with the following parameters:

    Client name: slam_client
    redirect URI = https://<slam_vm_dns_name>:8443/auth
  4. In the Access tab select the following Scopes

    Scopes: openid, profile, email, address, phone, offline_access

    and for Grant Types select:

    Grant types: authorization code
  5. Save.

  6. Save Client ID, Client Secret and Registration Access Token or the full output json in the JSON tab for future access.


Create the file indigopaas-deploy/ansible/inventory/group_vars/slam.yaml with the following configured values:

letsencrypt_email: '<valid_email_address>'
slam_dns_name: '<slam_dns_name>'
slam_mysql_password: '*****'
slam_mysql_root_password: '*****'
slam_iam_url: 'https://<iam_dns_name>'
slam_iam_client_id: '<slam-client-ID>'
slam_iam_client_secret: '<slam-client-secret>'
slam_cmdb_url: 'https://<proxy_dns_name>'
slam_keystore_password: '*****'
slam_create_keystore: true


Set also your custom mysql password with slam_mysql_password, lam_mysql_root_password and keystore password with slam_keystore_password.

Run the role using the ansible-playbook command:

# cd indigopaas-deploy/ansible

# ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory playbooks/deploy-slam.yml


SLAM will require few minutes to start and will be available at https://<slam_dns_name>:8443/auth.

Video tutorial

SLAM configuration

Authorize SLAM

  1. SLAM is available at https://<slam_dns_name>:8443/auth. It will redirect you to IAM

  2. Login as admin

  3. Authorize SLAM


    Fig.1: SLAM authorization


    Fig.1: SLAM home page

Resources negotiation

To create new SLAs with SLAM follow this steps: