Supported inputs


If an input with the same name is used in the TOSCA template, this variable does not trigger any special action. If not, the correspondig menu accepts couples of number of CPUs and RAM size in the form of python dictionary: {'<tosca_template_cpu_num>':'2', '<tosca_template_mem_size>':'4 GB'}. instance_flavor_fe is commonly used for front-end inputs.

tosca_template_cpu_num and tosca_template_mem_size are the corresponding inputs in the TOSCA template. For example, if in the TOSCA template you have:



      type: integer
      description: Numer of CPUs for the front-end node
      default: 1
      required: yes

      type: scalar-unit.size
      description: Amount of Memory for the front-end node
      default: 1 GB
      required: yes


The corresponding entry in the parameter file will be:

  display_name: "Front End instance flavour"
  tag_type: "select"
  description: "CPUs, memory size (RAM), root disk size"
    - { value: "{'fe_cpus':'2', 'fe_mem':'4 GB'}", label: "Medium (2 cpu, 4 GB RAM, 20 GB dsk)" }
    - { value: "{'fe_cpus':'4', 'fe_mem':'8 GB'}", label: "Large (4 cpu, 8 GB RAM, 20 GB dsk)" }
    - { value: "{'fe_cpus':'8', 'fe_mem':'16 GB'}", label: "xLarge (8 cpu, 16 GB RAM, 20 GB dsk)" }


If an input with the same name is used in the TOSCA template, this variable does not trigger any special action. If not, the correspondig menu accepts couples of number of CPUs and RAM size in the form of python dictionary: {'<tosca_template_cpu_num>':'2', '<tosca_template_mem_size>':'4 GB'}. instance_flavor_wn is commonly used for front-end inputs.

tosca_template_cpu_num and tosca_template_mem_size are the corresponding inputs in the TOSCA template. For example, if in the TOSCA template you have:

      type: integer
      description: Numer of CPUs for the WNs
      default: 1
      required: yes

      type: scalar-unit.size
      description: Amount of Memory for the WNs
      default: 1 GB
      required: yes

The corresponding entry in the parameter file will be:

  display_name: "Worker Node nstance flavour"
  tag_type: "select"
  description: "CPUs, memory size (RAM), root disk size"
    - { value: "{'wn_cpus':'2', 'wn_mem':'4 GB'}", label: "Medium (2 cpu, 4 GB RAM, 20 GB dsk)" }
    - { value: "{'wn_cpus':'4', 'wn_mem':'8 GB'}", label: "Large (4 cpu, 8 GB RAM, 20 GB dsk)" }
    - { value: "{'wn_cpus':'8', 'wn_mem':'16 GB'}", label: "xLarge (8 cpu, 16 GB RAM, 20 GB dsk)" }


For the full list of supported tag types, see section: Available tag types.