Onedatactl: Onedata spaces management

Onedatactl is a python script to mount Onedata spaces, for user data and reference data. This script parse oneclient options using a configuration file (onedatactl.ini) to retrieve the required onedata space information (e.g. oneprovider, token and mountpoint).


Parsing all oneclient option is out of the purpose of this script. Therfore the script provides only few options to allow user to easily mount their data hosted on onedata

Option Description
mount Mount user data or reference data space.
umount Umount user data or reference data space.
-t --token Set access token.
-H --provider Set onedata provider.
-m --mountpoint Set mountpoint.
-c config_file Load configuration file.
--insecure Allow insecure mount.
--nonempty Mount space on non empty space.
--version Show galaxyctl_libs version.

The onedatactl.ini file

Onedatactl.ini file is located in /etc/galaxy/onedatactl.ini. The ini file has two secitons: [userdata] for user data management and refdata for reference data mangement.


By enabling this option onedata space will be used to store user data and it will be mounted on the specified directory, e.g. /export This argument is required.

mountpoint = /export


Insert Onedata provider for user data, e.g. This argument is required.

provider =


Insert Onedata token for user data. This argument is required.

token = MDAxNWxvY2F00aW9uIG9uZXpvbmUKMDAzYmlkZW500aWZpZXIgeExqMi00xdFN3YVp1VWIxM1dFSzRoNEdkb2x3cXVwTnpSaGZONXJSN2tZUQowMDFhY2lkIHRpbWUgPCAxNTI1MzM00NzgyCjAwMmZzaWduYXR1cmUgIOzeMtypO75nZvPJdAocInNbgH9zvJi6ifgXDrFVCr00K


Allow insecure connection. This is an optional argument.

insecure = False


Allow to mount space on non empty directory. This is an optional argument

nonempty = False

Onedatactl options

The script allow to mount two different volumes.


For user data, call:

sudo onedatactl mount userdata

For reference data, call:

sudo onedatactl mount refdata


For user data, call:

sudo onedatactl umount userdata

For reference data, call:

sudo onedatactl umount refdata


For user data, call:

sudo onedatactl status userdata

For reference data, call:

sudo onedatactl status refdata


Onedatactl parse oneclient command using the information stored in /etc/galaxy/onedatactl.ini file. Therefore oneclient can be used to perform the same actions.

The basic command line syntax to mount spaces using a specific Oneprovider is:


In order to unmount your spaces, type:

oneclient -u MOUNT_POINT

The complete Oneclient documentation is located here:


If you are connecting to a provider service which does not have a globally trusted certificate, you will have to use --insecure option.