Galaxy Flavours

Each Galaxy instance is customizable, through the web front-end, with different sets of pre installed tools (e.g. SAMtools, BamTools, Bowtie, MACS, RSEM, etc…), exploiting CONDA as default dependency resolver. New tools are automatically installed using the official GalaxyProject python library Ephemeris.

Currently the following Galaxy flavours are available on Laniakea

Galaxy minimal

Description:Galaxy production-grade server (Galaxy, PostgreSQL, NGINX, proFTPd, uWSGI).
Reference data repository: Galaxy reference data CVMFS repository

Galaxy CoVaCS


Workflow for genotyping and variant annotation of whole genome/exome and target-gene sequencing data.

For more information on CoVaCs Flavour visit this page: CoVaCS on Galaxy.

Reference data repository:

ELIXIR-IT Galaxy CoVaCS reference data CVMFS repository


Galaxy GDC Somatic Variant


Port of the Genomic Data Commons (GDC) pipeline for the identification of somatic variants on whole exome/genome sequencing data.

For more information on GDC Somatic Variant visit this page: GDC Somatic Variant on Galaxy.

Reference data repository: Galaxy reference data CVMFS repository


Galaxy RNA workbench

Description:More than 50 tools for RNA centric analysis.
Reference data repository: Galaxy reference data CVMFS repository

Galaxy Epigen

Description:Based on Epigen project.
Reference data repository: Galaxy reference data CVMFS repository
Reference:Galaxy Epigen server

Create new Galaxy flavours

New flavors can be created through yaml recipes with the list of tools. A tool list example can be found here.

For more information on how to create a flavour visit this page: Submit yout flavour.